Spyros Konstantakis, Secretary General of SBC Greece (Sustainable Building Council Greece), noted on the occasion of the upcoming Annual Conference on October 19, 2023
“I have already witnessed through my previous participations that the Sustainable Building Council Greece Annual Sustainability Conference is an exciting #opportunity to contribute to a greener future. But this year, as my country has been battered by catastrophic #wildfires and #floods as a living example of #climatechange, my anticipation for the conference is bigger than ever and my participation becomes vital. We need to act now. Αs a member of BOD of SBC Greece and as a practitioner that promotes the holistic approach and the sustainable practices through #design and #construction I could not be happier to meet like-minded professionals and stakeholders and be a part of a collective effort to create more environmentally friendly and energy efficient structures, ultimately making a positive impact on our planet.”
Don’t miss the SBC GREECE (Sustainable Building Council Greece) Annual Conference 2023, at the Marriott Athens, on the 19th of October, 2023. More soon here.
All European Sustainability Leaders will meet in Greece | Annual SBC Conference 17-18-19/10/2023