Dimitris Managoudis, Vice President of SBC Greece (Sustainable Building Council Greece), noted on the occasion of the upcoming Annual Conference on October 19, 2023
“Can’t wait the impressive moment for this unique #sustainability Conference to start. It is for the 1st time that my country will unite the most successful Sustainability professionals in Europe and worldwide as the ERN Network will have its quarterly meeting during our conference. And that for, here in #Athens, in a city that sustainability stills show its perspectives, impressiveness and effectiveness through time. Where almost 3000 years before, same spirit was present, sustainability in #buildings and districts, that in a perfect balance with nature, mathematics, physics and #harmony, were bond together and gave birth to special long-lasting monuments that we all admire and feel proud about. So, I once again feel very grateful to join with other professionals around the global and give our best try to #change the world, in a sustainable way!”
Don’t miss the SBC GREECE (Sustainable Building Council Greece) Annual Conference 2023, at the Marriott Athens, on the 19th of October, 2023. More soon here.
All European Sustainability Leaders will meet in Greece | Annual SBC Conference 17-18-19/10/2023